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Writer's pictureKat Sticker

Exploring Ritual Art: The Transformational Power of Impermanence

leaves arranged in the shape of a heart

Imagine a dance that changes with every step, a painting that evolves as it dries, or a mandala crafted from leaves and flowers that transforms with the wind and rain. These fleeting moments of beauty aren't just ephemeral—they hold profound lessons in the transformational power of impermanence. In our journey through ritual art, we now dive into the advanced practice of embracing impermanence, discovering how the transient nature of art can lead to deep spiritual insights and personal transformation. Join me as we explore the magic of ever-changing art and learn to interpret its shifting forms as signs and symbols on our spiritual path.

Understanding Impermanence in Art

Impermanence is a fundamental concept in both art and spirituality. It teaches us to embrace change and find beauty in the temporary nature of life. By incorporating impermanent art into our rituals, we can learn to let go, adapt, and grow. This practice encourages us to live in the moment, appreciating the fleeting nature of existence and the lessons it brings. We can look more deeply to interpret signs and symbols embedded in those changes and let them transform us.

Art imitates life, they say. I had an experience one year where a pumpkin seed magically

a pumpkin vine with a pumpkin

found its way into my flower garden and began growing into a mystery plant. I observed the vine as it grew and meandered around the entire yard, blooming and unveiling secrets of spirit. Those months were a spiritual experience for me due to this gift.

That was when I began to understand the power of impermanence and the lessons that are held in the changes. I did not get a pumpkin from that vine, but I did get something more valuable. It wasn’t the end result that counted; it was the journey. It was watching that vine change day after day as it relayed to me dozens of spiritual lessons. The same can be applied to our art when we use it in rituals. If we are creating the art, allow our intuition to guide us and then observe how the art changes naturally or how it evolves as we create it. How we use the information to transform is really linked to our intentions.

An example of impermanence in art interpretation is the use of tarot or oracle cards as a ritual tool. Usually, each card features an artwork to behold, and there is meaning embedded in the art itself. The card reader interprets the message from the card but also considers the combination of cards drawn and even the orientation of the card.

a person holding a tarot card

Experienced readers do not need the guidebook that comes with the deck as they use their intuition to interpret the cards. Each time they read a card, it may convey a different meaning because of the power of their intuition. Art helps us to unlock that intuition.

In summary there are at least two ways to think about impermanence in ritual art: the impermanence of the art itself as it evolves and the changes to how we interpret the art depending on our intention or question. Let’s talk about some specific forms of art in this context.

Dance and Movement

One of the most dynamic forms of impermanent art is dance. As spirit leads you, your dance evolves, highlighting the fluid nature of movement. Unlike choreographed routines, an evolving dance allows for spontaneity and personal expression.

Practical Example

Start by setting a clear intention for your dance. Allow your body to move freely to the

a person dancing outside

music, letting go of any preconceived notions of how you should move. Focus on the sensations in your body and the emotions that arise. Notice how your movements change as you connect more deeply with your intention and spirit.

Interpreting Changes

Observe how your dance evolves. Are there certain movements that feel more powerful or liberating? Do specific emotions or memories come up? These changes can be signs from spirit, guiding you toward deeper understanding and transformation.

What parts of your body did you move the most and what does that mean to you? What sensations did you experience? Do not discount anything as they are signs and symbols in response to your intention.

Visual Art with Natural Materials

Creating paintings with mud or ash is another way to embrace impermanence in your ritual art. As these natural materials dry, they change, providing a unique opportunity to observe transformation in action.

Practical Example

Gather mud or ash and use it to create a painting on paper or canvas. You can add food

coloring or leave natural. Bless the materials from the earth to your intention. Allow your painting to flow without thinking too much about it. Allow messages from spirit to come through you. Observe the texture and patterns that emerge as the material dries. Notice how the artwork changes over time.

a person painting with mud

Interpreting Changes

Note the changes in how your body responds to your observation of the changes in the paint. Where in your body do you feel a tingle, cringe or warmth? Pay attention to the cracks, shifts, and drying patterns in your painting. These changes can carry messages or insights related to your intention. Reflect on what these transformations might signify in your own life with regard to your intention or question.

Nature’s Intervention

Making mandalas or sculptures with leaves, flowers, and other natural elements allows you to cocreate with nature. These creations are inherently impermanent, as they are subject to the elements. You may want to ask nature for permission before gathering the materials and/or bless the materials you find. You may want to create your art in ceremony with earth.

Practical Example

Set your intention before starting. Collect natural materials and create a mandala or

sculpture outdoors. Arrange the pieces thoughtfully, you may ask questions of spirit as you go. Allow spirit to work through you as you arrange the art. Leave your creation in a place where it will interact with the wind, rain, and other natural forces. You may stay and observe or come back later.

Interpreting Changes

Over the next few days, observe how the elements alter your creation over time. Notice

a nature mandala

what changes occur and consider what these might symbolize. Is anything new added? Is anything growing around or through it? Was anything removed? How do the changes make you feel? The movement and decay of the materials can provide insights into your spiritual journey and personal growth.

Observe the changes in the light and shadow and what that highlights for you in a moment in time. How have the elements affected it? Do you see signs of rivulets of water? Did the sun burn it? Did any animals move in or eat it? What does that mean to you?

Observing Art for Spiritual Insights

Before observing a piece of ritual art, set a clear intention or ask a specific question. This focused approach helps guide your observation and opens you to receive messages and insights.

a person observing a painting in a gallery

There are some variations you may consider such as allowing spirit to help you choose the piece of art, observing art before meditating and observing it during and after mediation, noting the changes. Choose a piece of art and spend time observing it with your intention in mind. Notice where your attention is drawn. Are there specific colors, shapes, or objects that stand out? How does the overall theme of the artwork resonate with your question or intention?

Interpreting Observations

Reflect on your observations. The aspects of the art that capture your attention can offer answers or guidance. For instance, a specific object in the painting might symbolize a solution to your question, while the overarching theme could provide broader insights into your spiritual path.

In another session, ask a different question. Do you observe the art differently depending on your intention or question? The message conveyed by a work can change. You might notice a different nuance to it or begin receiving direct messages from spirit around it.

Practical Tips for Embracing Impermanence

  • Mindful Observation

Develop the practice of mindful observation to notice subtle changes in your art. This awareness helps you appreciate the beauty of impermanence and the lessons it brings. Understand your own body’s response to your intuition. Perhaps you feel hot or cold or have an emotional response from certain spiritual signs. Each person has a different response to intuitive stimuli. It helps in your interpretation to understand your own.

  • Journaling

Someone writing in a journal

Keep a journal to document and reflect on the changes and insights gained from your

impermanent art practices. Writing down your observations can deepen your understanding and help integrate these lessons into your life.

When in flow or in meditation, we may not remember our actions for long after. Journaling right away helps to retain more of what happened.

  • Integration

Integrate the lessons learned from impermanent art into your daily life and spiritual practice. Embracing change and finding meaning in transformation can lead to greater resilience and personal growth. The next post will go more in depth on this topic.


Embracing the transformational power of impermanence in your ritual art practice can lead to profound spiritual insights and personal growth. By incorporating dynamic, evolving art forms into your rituals, you learn to appreciate the beauty of change and let go of the need for permanence. This practice not only enhances your spiritual journey but also helps you navigate the ever-changing nature of life with grace and wisdom. You have to act on the information received to experience the power of transformation. 


Continue the adventure by joining the conversation in my private Facebook Group Soul Shifters Guild. Share your ritual art practices.

Be sure to check out the rest of the posts in the Exploring Ritual Arts series coming soon:

4. The Transformational Power of Impermanence (this post)

5. Integrating Ritual Art into Daily Life (next post)

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