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Writer's pictureKat Sticker

Exploring Ritual Art: Leveraging Art in Your Practice

Updated: Aug 12

a silhouette of a person looking at art in a museum

One easy way to get started with ritual art to elevate your spiritual practice is by utilizing meaningful existing art in your rituals. Whether it's a mesmerizing painting, a soul-stirring piece of music, or an inspiring poem, leveraging existing art in your rituals can create a deeper, more profound connection to your intentions. In this post, we'll explore how to incorporate ritual art—crafted by yourself or others—into your practice, blossoming your spiritual journey into an enriched tapestry of creativity and symbolism.

Recap from Prior Posts in the Series

  • In post one of this series on Exploring Ritual Art, I discussed some of the basics of ritual art and how this can be applied to improve your wellbeing. I went over different forms of ritual art, such as visual art, dance, voice, music, writing or using nature elements. I discussed how you can apply it to the pillars of wellness (body, mind, spirit, abundance, alignment and harmony).

  • In post two, I discussed the steps to build your own ritual art practice. We focused on delving into your own creativity.

  • Now we turn to leveraging the creativity of others to enhance these rituals by using existing art. 

The Transformative Power of Rituals

Rituals hold a transformative power that goes beyond the physical actions they entail. They

a ritual mask

serve as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing us to tap into deeper layers of our psyche. Through the intentional use of rituals, we can initiate healing, foster personal growth, and create profound shifts in our lives. Whether it's releasing past traumas, setting new intentions, or simply finding peace and protection in the chaos of everyday life, rituals provide a structured yet flexible framework for inner work. By incorporating elements of art—such as visual symbols, music, and movement—into these practices, we amplify their impact, creating a holistic experience that nurtures our body, mind, and spirit. Engaging in regular rituals helps us to align with our true selves, cultivate resilience, and build a more meaningful connection to the world around us.

Amplifying Rituals with the High Vibrational Frequency of Art

The impact of rituals is profoundly amplified when combined with the high vibrational frequency of art. Art possesses a unique ability to elevate our own vibrational frequency, aligning us with higher states of consciousness and enhancing our capacity for manifestation. When we engage with art—whether it's a visually captivating painting, an inspiring piece of music, or a powerful piece of written word—we are not just observing it, but also absorbing its energy. We are aligning our own energy with that of the art.

Artworks created with intention carry high vibrational frequencies that resonate with our own energy fields. This resonance can elevate our emotional and spiritual states, making it easier to release negative energies and align with positive, transformative ones. For example, gazing at a mandala can induce a meditative state, harmonizing our mind and spirit with its intricate patterns and vibrant colors. Similarly, listening to uplifting music can elevate our mood, open our hearts, and connect us to the divine.

sacred ancient architecture

When we incorporate such high-frequency art into our rituals, we are effectively raising our own vibrational frequency. This elevated state enhances the power of our intentions and prayers, making our manifestations more potent. The art becomes a catalyst that helps us access deeper levels of consciousness, where we can more effectively plant the seeds of our desires.

Moreover, the aesthetic and sensory engagement with art during rituals makes the experience more immersive and emotionally impactful. This emotional resonance is crucial for manifestation, as feelings are powerful indicators of vibrational alignment. By feeling joy, peace, or inspiration through art, we align ourselves with these high frequencies, which in turn accelerates the process of manifestation.

In essence, art acts as a bridge to higher realms of consciousness, amplifying the transformative power of our rituals. By integrating high-vibrational art into our practices, we can elevate our frequency, align more closely with our intentions, and create a more profound and effective ritual experience.

Shadow Work through Art

Does that mean we can’t use edgy or dark art for transformation? Absolutely not. Ritual art

a man playing a hand drum

doesn't have to be all love and light; balance is essential. Personal and spiritual growth often involves facing difficult aspects of ourselves that need healing. Past traumas, unhealthy relationships, codependency, and negative patterns are examples of our shadow side that we can work on coming to terms with through interacting with art. When we choose art that resonates with these frequencies, we can better recognize our inner fears, anger, and trauma. This recognition allows us to confront and understand these aspects of ourselves, ultimately helping us overcome the limitations they impose and move forward in a healthier, more balanced way.

Art Forms

Let’s explore the common forms of art that we can leverage.

1. Visual Art in Rituals

Visual art can be paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, digital art, textiles, art made with lights, and virtually any other item you would personally consider visual art.

Symbolic Meaning

Visual art can carry powerful symbolic meanings, making it a profound addition to your

a round stained glass window featuring a dove

rituals. When selecting visual art, consider what symbols, colors, animals, and settings resonate with your intention. For example, if you’re seeking clarity and insight, you might choose artwork featuring clear skies or light-filled landscapes. Symbols like the lotus flower can represent spiritual enlightenment, while animals like the eagle can signify vision and strength. 

You can use symbolism as a focal point for affirmations to achieve a particular intention. For instance, if your intention is to increase your self-confidence, you could choose a visual artwork with the color yellow, which aligns to the color of your solar plexus chakra – your identity center. Perhaps a fire is depicted in the background-fire being the element associated with strength, the solar plexus and identity. It could feature a roaring lion which is your power animal exuding self-confidence and strong identity.  You could focus on that painting while listening to a dramatic vocalist singing about her strength and confidence, such as “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten.  You could belt out the lyrics while embodying the lion, dancing around the painting, declaring your identity.

Using Visual Art on Your Altar

an altar featuring photos and skull statues

Placing visual art on your altar can create a powerful focal point for your rituals. Choose pieces that align with your intention and place them where they can be easily seen. This could be a painting that represents your goal, a sculpture that embodies a particular quality you wish to invoke, or even a photograph that inspires you. The visual impact of these items can deepen your meditation and intention-setting practices.

  • You can use photographs of your ancestors or pictures of a deity to honor or connect with them during the ritual.

  • You can use art as an offering to spirit.

  • You can use art as an activation or representation of a covenant or declaration.

Meditation with Visual Art

Meditating with visual art involves gazing at a piece of art and allowing its imagery and symbolism to guide your thoughts and feelings. Sit comfortably and place the artwork at eye level. Focus on the details—the colors, shapes, and textures—and let your mind wander through the imagery. This practice can deepen your connection to the art’s symbolism and help you internalize its energy.

2. Music in Rituals

Incorporating Music:

Music plays a vital role in meditation and ritual practices by setting the tone and enhancing

the emotional and spiritual atmosphere. It can calm the mind, elevate the spirit, and create a sacred space conducive to deep inner work. Whether you choose instrumental music, chants, or songs with meaningful lyrics, music can help you connect more profoundly with your ritual’s intention.

Choosing the Right Music

a woman plays a gong

Selecting the right music is crucial for aligning with your ritual’s intention. For calming and grounding rituals, choose soothing instrumental pieces or nature sounds. For energizing and uplifting practices, select vibrant, rhythmic music. Pay attention to how different types of music affect your mood and energy levels and choose accordingly. Both the instruments and vocals should support and amplify your intention.

Creating a Playlist

Curating a playlist for your rituals can enhance your practice by providing a consistent and intentional soundscape. Consider creating different playlists for different types of rituals—one for meditation, another for movement, and yet another for introspection. This helps to establish a routine and sets the right mood for each specific ritual.

3. Chants and Writings

Using Written Works

Incorporating chants, poems, and other writings by other authors into your rituals can infuse

a person reads from a book

your practice with wisdom and inspiration. Choose texts that resonate with your intention and read them aloud during your ritual. This could be a sacred text that aligns your energy, a poem that speaks to your heart, or a passage that inspires reflection and growth.

Benefits of Chanting

Chanting is a powerful practice that can elevate your spiritual state and deepen your connection to the divine. The repetitive nature of chanting helps to quiet the mind and open the heart, creating a meditative state that enhances your ritual’s effectiveness. The vibrations produced by chanting can also align your energy with the frequency of your intention, making it a potent tool for manifestation.

Chants can be used to set and reinforce intentions. By repeatedly vocalizing a specific intention or affirmation, we can embed it more deeply into our consciousness. This focused repetition can strengthen our resolve and manifest our desires more effectively.

Many chants are rooted in ancient spiritual traditions, carrying the wisdom and energy of those practices. Chanting sacred words or phrases can connect us to a larger spiritual lineage, providing a sense of belonging and continuity. This connection can deepen our spiritual practice and enhance our sense of purpose and meaning.

Chanting can evoke and release suppressed emotions, providing a safe outlet for emotional expression. The vibrations of the chant can help to clear blocked energy, allowing for emotional healing and catharsis. This release can lead to greater emotional clarity and resilience.

Chanting in a group can create a powerful sense of community and unity. The collective energy generated by a group chant can amplify the individual effects, fostering a shared sense of connection and support. This communal experience can enhance social bonds and create a stronger sense of collective purpose.

Mantras and Toning:

a person in a meditative yoga pose

Mantras and toning are ancient techniques used in many spiritual traditions to harness the power of sound. Mantras are specific words or phrases, often in Sanskrit, that carry powerful vibrations and meanings. For example, the mantra "Om" is considered the primordial sound of the universe and is used to connect with the divine. Toning involves the prolonged vocalization of a sound, such as "Om," to create a vibrational resonance within the body and environment.

These practices can significantly enhance your ritual by elevating your vibrational frequency, promoting inner peace, and aligning your mind, body, and spirit. Using Sanskrit mantras in your rituals can deepen your connection to ancient wisdom and universal energies, amplifying the transformative power of your practice. 

Integrating Poems and Quotes

Using inspirational writings like poems and quotes can set the tone for your ritual and provide a source of reflection. Select texts that resonate deeply with your intention and read them at the beginning or end of your ritual. Reflecting on these words can provide insights and reinforce your connection to your goals. Repeating short poems as a type of chant can even bring about some interesting results.

4. Movement and Dance

Choreographed Movements

Like to dance?  Incorporating movements and dances choreographed by other artists can bring a dynamic and embodied element to your rituals. Choose movements that resonate with your intention and practice them mindfully. This could be a dance that expresses your emotions, a series of yoga poses that align your body and mind, or simple gestures that symbolize your goals.

Embodied Practice

Guided movement practices, such as yoga or tai chi, can help you connect with your body

a woman dances

and spirit. These practices promote physical well-being and create a harmonious flow of energy within. By integrating movement into your rituals, you can ground your intentions in the physical realm and enhance your overall sense of balance and alignment.


Creating a Ritual Dance

Perhaps you have seen a dance at the Olympics or in a movie, ballet or modern dance performance that resonates with you and would fit nicely into your ritual.  Or maybe you like to waltz or know a certain line dance, spiritual dance or symbolic dance that embodies symbolism of your intention.  Whatever the source of the dance, practice these movements as part of your ritual, allowing the physical expression to deepen your connection to your intention.

To integrate choreographed movements into your ritual practice, select a piece of music that aligns with your intention and the dance moves of your choosing. As you dance, allow the movement to draw out expression of your goals and emotions. Each movement strengthens your resolve toward your intention. You may veer off from the original choreography to blend with free movement as well. That can be very potent.  Allow spirit to guide you.

5. Practical Tips for Using Existing Art

Selecting the Right Art

Choosing art that resonates with your intentions and spiritual goals is essential. Consider what symbols, themes, and energies align with your purpose. Trust your intuition—if a piece of art speaks to you, it’s likely a good fit for your ritual.

henna decorated hands of several people for a ceremony

Combining Multiple Art Forms

Integrating visual art, music, writings, and movement into a cohesive ritual can create a richer and more immersive experience. For example, you might begin with a chant or poem, followed by a period of meditation with visual art, and conclude with a dance or movement practice. Combining different forms of art allows you to engage multiple senses and deepen your connection to your intention.

Personalizing Your Practice

While leveraging existing art, it’s important to personalize your practice to make it truly your own. Add personal touches, such as your own creative expressions or meaningful objects, to the existing art. This can enhance the emotional and spiritual resonance of your rituals and make them more impactful. Art can be the main focal point of the ritual or an addition that enhances a larger ceremony.


Using existing art in your rituals can transform your spiritual practice, making it richer and more resonant. Enjoy the journey.  Don’t hesitate to sample and embrace new practices that could intensify your rituals. Try them at varying times of day with diverse types of intentions and see if your results surprise you.

The next article in this series will discuss the transformational power of impermanence and where we see impermanence in ritual art. Remember, the journey is more important than the destination.


Continue the adventure by joining the conversation in my private Facebook Group Soul Shifters Guild. Share your ritual art practices.

Be sure to check out the rest of the posts in the Exploring Ritual Arts series coming soon:

  1. Holistic Wellness Through Creativity

  2. Creating Your Ritual Art Practice

  3. Leveraging Art in Your Rituals (this post)

  4. The Transformational Power of Impermanence

  5. Integrating Ritual Art into Daily Life

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